Sunday 17 May 2015

New Series of "Finding Bigfoot" to Feature Search for the Mapinguari

The special two-part opener for the seventh series of Finding Bigfoot will see the team searching the Amazon Rainforest for the Mapinguari.

The description given by TVRuckus reads: "This month, in the two-hour premiere episode, the FINDING BIGFOOT team is in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, hoping to come face-to-face with a mapinguari, Brazil’s bigfoot-like legend. To locate the mysterious creature, the team travels hundreds of miles up the Rio Negro and through the perilous jungle while simultaneously warding off deadly snakes and jaguars in the darkest hours of night. The team is confident its signature North American bigfoot calls can lead to a sighting of Brazil’s beast."

Considering the success Pat Spain had on Beast Man with David Oren's Mapinguari call, it's somewhat doubtful a North American Bigfoot call will work. Nothing ever actually gets found on Finding Bigfoot anyway.

The first episode will air on Sunday, May 31, at 9 p.m, on Animal Planet.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Rash of Chupacabra Livestock Attacks in Brazil

Brazil isn't the usual place to see El Chupacabra, but in the last few weeks, there has been a rash of livestock killings in Bahia, Brazil, which seem to match the typical Chupacabra M.O..

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Lost "White City of the Monkey God" Found in Honduras?

An expedition to find the lost "White City", or "City of the Monkey God" has found the ruins of an ancient city in Mosquitia, Honduras. The team says it is too soon to positively say whether the ruins are those of the White City or not.

A total of fifty-two artefacts have been found so far, but the team is not exacating the site yet. Among the artefacts is a statuette of a were-jaguar.

Their search began in 2012, when topological studies and aerial laser-mapping revealed man-made plazas in the area. The exact location of the site has not been released, as the team fears "looters" may take the artefacts.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

The Taxidermy Wonders of Charles Waterton

Image credit
Charles Waterton was an English naturalist and explorer who established the worlds very first nature reserve on his own estate grounds. But his is best known for his eccentricities (he would, among other things, tickle his guests with brushes and bite their legs), and his bizarre taxidermy creations.

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Angel's Cryptids of Ecuador

In 1999, Spanish cryptozoologist Angel Morant Forés travelled to the Ecuadorian Amazon for a few months. There, the native people told him of a number of animals which seem unknown to the civilised world. The most well-known of his discoveries must be the rainbow jaguar and the mysterious animal he photographed in a shop, but he was actually told of a stunning ten unidentified mammals inhabiting the region.

According to Forés, the local Shuar Indians assigned no mystical qualities to the animals, and were very sober in their descriptions. They told him that all the animals could still be found in the area.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Extended Scenes of Beast Man

Screencap from the episode.
Image credit National Geographic.
On the American National Geographic website, there are a number of behind-the-scenes and extended videos from Beast Man, "Nightmare of the Amazon". None of them are the deleted scenes that can be read in the script, but they are interesting, and offer more information. There are also a number of videos of scenes which can be watched in the episode. I have left these out.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Berry Pickers in Kapok Forest Reserve see Mapinguary

According to a new report, a group of acai berry pickers in the Kapok Forest Reserve claim to have seen a Mapinguary.

In what appears to be only the second documented Mapinguary sighting of the century, the anonymous eyewitnesses say that they heard a loud scream whilst picking berries, and began to imitate it. However, they realised that the sound was coming from nearby, and soon noticed "a creature dark in colour", two feet high and with only one eye. They fled, and apparently did not sleep for the following week.

Needless to say, a two foot-high Mapinguary has never been reported before. If the story is true, and the animal is a Mapinguary, it could have been a youngster, like the ones allegedly raised by an Indian tribe in the 1980's. This does seem likely, given the fact that it did not attack the berry-pickers.

Of course, this is assuming that the sighting is genuine, and the animal was a Mapinguary, either sloth or ape.